Un Invito alla Preghiera

Un Invito alla Preghiera

For me, every painting reflects a deeply personal experience which entails an inward journey. It happens from the deep recesses of my mind, starting with an idea that excites me, and then moving beyond that idea to allow the painting itself to direct its own progress. This was certainly the case with my recent painting entitled *A Call to Prayer.*

During the course of every painting, there are deliberate and spontaneous developments. I watch and listen for the painting to “speak to me.” I tune in for a possible title to arise. I alternate between phases of painting which entail deliberate craftsmanship, and those aspects which are more abstract, in which elements of color relationships and design are intuitively explored apart from the subject matter.

In the case of this painting, I had turned the painting upside down, as I often do, and was doodling on the leaves of the trees. Well aware that the leaf size was too large for the tree, I allowed it to happen anyway. Then I began to add fleshy stems and ribs and color to the leaves. But it wasn’t until I was finished that particular phase of the painting that I realized that I had painted a prayer plant! And although I had already been moving toward a different title for this work, I immediately became aware that I had painted “A Call to Prayer.”

In short, the development of the theme of this painting, and the image of the tree as prayer plant happened without my conscious awareness. As such, it is an “accidental painting.”

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Comments 19

aftab ahmed butt
10 years ago
Beautiful and artistic painting compliments
giulio micheletti
10 years ago
complimenti per la profondità dell'opera,brava
10 years ago
benny Artist
Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
una preghiera una poesia dipinta un grande capolavoro la vita sentimento amore e si pura magia ma anche tanto cuore passione anima e cuore e tanto ma tanto calore e colore..un esplosione di sentimento sei grande hai tirato fuori il meglio di te ne hai creato passione e d è uscita dal tuo corpo la tua anima e il tuo cuore lo sento battere e la tua anima attraverso la sto osservando dai forti emozioni .. grazie per questa grande emozione chiamata vita...la tua opera oltre che è stupenda da speranza ai nostri cuori..la tua Tanyy:-))l'arte è il pane dell'anima.. sei grandeeeeee
Anna Maria Peluso
10 years ago
bellissima e bravissima!
10 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
Molto bella!
Andrea Albonetti
10 years ago
Gianpaolo Marchesi
10 years ago
simone fratini
10 years ago
nice work!
Occhio di Ra
10 years ago
Occhio di Ra Artist
Very beautiful work :)

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