Pesci in pezzi ...Fish in pieces ...

Pesci in pezzi ...Fish in pieces ...

Painting, Ideas, Fantasy / Visionary, Acrylic, 70x50cm
Fish in pieces ...

The words dreamed by fish

The words dreamed by fish tells the story of a small town on the banks of a lake, as told by its inhabitants.
Eleven people around a table in a bar tell travels and adventures, each is compared to a fish from the lake, the lake where they sets their adventures, in a double-wire binding between individual and environment.
"Let me tell these little stories did not like the fact drew them, but as the fish have the dream"
The fish are not on their knees even when crush them in the can.
The fish never close their eyes even when they are in the pan. "

David Bernasconi, The words dream by fish necklace, Taste, Simon and Schuster, 2003. Pp.. 91

Has been liked by 7

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Comments 10

10 years ago
Nury Artist
molto bella!!:-)
Monomax    M. Soldi
10 years ago
Monomax M. Soldi Artist, Art lover
Molte grazie Lino!
Buona giornata . Ciao !

Lino Bianco
10 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Grandioso! Bravissimo. Ciao,
Monomax    M. Soldi
10 years ago
Monomax M. Soldi Artist, Art lover
Mille grazie Pasquale

10 years ago
Monomax    M. Soldi
10 years ago
Monomax M. Soldi Artist, Art lover
Grazie Emilia !

emilia rebuglio
10 years ago
Bellissimo tutto, l'opera, le parole ed il video.....bello anche il dialetto!
Monomax    M. Soldi
10 years ago
Monomax M. Soldi Artist, Art lover
Grazie Stefano
Monomax    M. Soldi
10 years ago
Monomax M. Soldi Artist, Art lover
Grazie Emiliano !

Emiliano Gambardella
10 years ago
molto interessante

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