The image is a reflection of reality and as such can't be impact.
I don't do anything but reflex in it, to feel me Alive.
So for me Art has a therapeutic function.
Specifically 'MOZAIK + Airbrushed' (consisting of 9 works of which only 4 presented for reasons of space, but visible on my website:, and 'was designed specifically with industrial glass mosaics to make the Subjects and perfect to highlight with their linearity flattening the Normality of the same.
Drawings made with airbrush instead represent the damage that man brings to such obvious beauty and hope that we can create a remedy, since removed.
This clear division of Image allows you to relive the subconscious and resentitize on the Socio-Human Issues described.
Titles in order:
Capaci's Massacre
Landing on Isola Conigli
Costa in San Marco
Sacra San Michele whit TAV
Naples: land of fires
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