“Crystal City Spun,” is a spectacle of sexually charged stimuli, which opens with a cityscape of spinning dildo towers. Out of the landscape emerges Dragon YONG, a vehicle for fantasy exploration by, TOKI, a highly stylized curvaceous, warrior-cum-vixen who draws upon the Japanese Manga, Korean animamix and Western ideals of sexuality and beauty. TOKI exists in a fantasyland ripe with testosterone-driven energy. To sadistically erotic effect, YONG taps TOKI’s exposed nipple with the tip of his pointy claw. This titillation sends TOKI into a pirouette. She stops only when YONG whips her with his whiskers which sparks the crystallization of both the landscape and its characters. The animation has a playful, childlike quality alluding to fantasy and toys. Lee explores sexual innuendo, and plays with varying degrees of sexuality and sexual expression both with imagery and color. Crystal City is a fantasyland where dream and reality mix. It speaks to the manipulation and perception of female sexual identity worldwide and virtualized images of women. A project in which cyberculture and contemporary myth-making intersect.
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