

Digital Photography, Still life, Digital, 860x120cm
The image was produced using a scanner and is of my personal record collection from the past thirty years or so.The final image is life size and reproduced as a digital print on archival paper.

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Comments 8

Clement Price-Thomas
14 years ago
Great work. Voted for it.
14 years ago
Werther Artist
non colgo nessun significato....comunque congratulazioni
angela valentini
15 years ago
Very good
The Artery>
15 years ago
The Artery> Journalist
oh, how I empathise, and am drawn back to my beloved record collection, and the echoes of 500 albums play in my mind, alive today as then. As I've replaced the vinyl with tapes, then CD'd, then MP3's....great music is great music....
15 years ago
Robert, sorry for the mistake in my previous message: the word low(s) was meant to be LAW(S)…
15 years ago
The ten (10) lows of simplicity (J. Maeda) should find their implementation also in arts. Especially the lows of "learning" (4) and "the emotions" (7) emphasizing the low of "one" (10) concerning the elimination of the "self evident" and the addition of the "constructive".
I thought that by observing your "simple" but extraordinary work.
Paul Sucksmith
15 years ago
Top piece of work i like it very much, well done and good luck.
Robert Mercer
15 years ago
Robert Mercer Artist
This image doesnt work this size as you loose the text and detail of the record spines.

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