

Watercolor, Abstract informal, Sacred / Mythological, Watercolour, 139x109x5cm
Within the painting there is an agony of a man whose life is been at war for his very existence.
Though conflicts are growing with immense fear he has to purge a new life form and seek for a better world with dreams.
Rebirth for a new life, world, and dreams.

Has been liked by 83

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Comments 39

Alfonso Camplone
13 years ago
...bel lavoro! Complimenti!
salvatore cotrufo
14 years ago
Ronnie Tres Reyes
15 years ago
hataw! :)
Mike Veles
15 years ago
Mike Veles Artist
Exquisite art work Nasser! You are the future of Philippine Art! Cheers! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
15 years ago
Wonderful meeting you Nasser Lubay to share the moment in this, while we all journey in this as an artist to share a friendship!

So much details in your art. It has life story to share. As a human, we all desire to find the definition meaning of life. It is all in peace and happiness. Only few in this world have been find them and it is all in us.No matter how the situation in life, no matter what rises we find the peace with-in through moment of dream in this world.
Wonderful communication!
luca fracasso
15 years ago
luca fracasso Artist
Mauro Consilvio
15 years ago
Mauro Consilvio Artist, Photographer, Journalist
Tank you for contact me. Many compliments for your painting! Mauro
15 years ago
BRAVO ,BRAVO,BRAVO , I wish you all the best and congractulate you.
ZIQQURAT ugocròm Zatini
15 years ago
complimenti per il tuo secondo posto
marina lodi
15 years ago
marina lodi Artist
complimenti le tue opere fanno sognare..
ciao marina

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