Untitled (From "Social Trash Series")

Untitled (From "Social Trash Series")

Digital Photography, Political / Social, Digital, 101x152x2cm
Almost four years ago I decided to make a drastic change in my life, I switched the green for the gray, I moved from Costa Rica to New York. Having lived for seventeen years in a residential park in Costa Rica, trash was almost a taboo. Replacing that residential park with the dorm building, and car rides with daily walks showed something quite new to my eyes, piles of trash bags accompanying me on my way to school and back. I started paying more attention to their composition and documenting them, interpreting them as portraits of society and its actions. Through the use of masking tape and black permanent marker, I started labeling the trash bags according to the positions in which I found them. I like the ephemeral quality of trash and how this ephemerality is echoed in our daily actions, our goods and our experiences.

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