La crisi n 5

La crisi n 5

The Crisis No. 5. Lost Generation - 2008 - acrilci and mixed media. Alfio Catania

CONTEMPORANEITY '. (Little thought Alfio Catania)

We begin to say that the term 'crisis' is derived from the greek (κρίσις): indicated the separation, coming from the fact κρίνω greek verb: "to separate. A word that we have learned a great time on our skin especially in these last six years, where in fact the word crisis is found everywhere, in society, in relationships, in politics, at work in the economy, not least in humans and in art . Why is art that is spoken here, the daughter of an art these days confused .... but the art is a bit 'like the story where he tells us not only of dates and events, but undoubtedly the motions of men, of their dreams, fears and hopes smatassate between the centuries and decades went iconography of the spirit of the times.

So it is unnecessary to ask what he tells us nowadays contemporary art in this contemporary confused and stalled; it tells us about ourselves and where we are in a world that actually saves us even if we do not like mirrors denudandoci inside, confusing and beauty concept as a kind of complaint for posterity what we are and what we live; Therefore, do not be surprised too if this' art that more often than not ill interpret there is the emptiness of a world that does not know yet if he's about to fall or rise.

L '' important for the record the history and 'art tells us that we are history as it was in the past. Probably as a kind of divining a true artist is one who takes a step further into the future to suggest where we are going or where we ended up.

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