This project is born as an attempt to create something that contains a link between art and mathematics. Trying to unearth how everything around us is governed by numbers to reach a balance apparently chaotic and random. Not for this reason perfection is the only way: the occurrence of exceptions gives rise to surprises. We wonder at this point if it is nature to make mistakes or if it's us to not fully understand.
Once I started this journey I have found in the images themselves one more thing: it's not all just numbers. There is space for spirituality, dreams and magic.
The aim is to bring attention to the lines and shapes that the natural elements are made of, trying to highlight both the complexity of nature and the harmony of the elements and their composition. The subjects were made almost unrecognizable making them seem something else, to take away as much as possible the attempt of the mind to recognize what it is, bringing it elsewhere to new feelings and impressions.

<<The book of nature is written in the characters of geometry.>> Galileo Galilei

Has been liked by 22

Comments 2

Eleonora Cerri Pecorella
10 years ago
Eleonora Cerri Pecorella Artist, Photographer
10 years ago
adropus Art lover, Painter
Condivido pienamente l' idea di realtà' magica , pasta saper osservare e allenarsi a farlo . Bravo!

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