Urban Landscape

Urban Landscape


Andrea Sbrà Perego, born in Bergamo, Italy, in 1982; his training goes from the Art school of Bergamo to the Fine Art Academy of Brera in Milan and his painting style is formed by master such as Gianfranco Bonetti and Fabio Maria Linari.

Since 2000 he exhibited his works in variuos solo and collective exhibition before in tne country of Bergamo then in several italian cities like Milan, Rome, La Spezia and Genova.

Fundamental step in his artistic research's route is the 2006, when he wrote "The Great Treaty about Oroccoccoro Manifesto", a book that will become source of inspiration for other artists giving life to the Oroccoccoro Global Art Movement, a Movement made up of mostly italian artists residing and working in different place across the world (Malaysia, United Kingdom, Italy, South America).

Sbrà is a versatile artist, his experiences and skills ranging from painting to sculpture, from photograpy to graphic design, from video to performance.

Any concession to tenderness in the painting of Andrea Sbrà Perego, through thr dominant use of primary colors, in a prevalence of blue violent and obsessive, Perego's work offer a deformation of reality tied to a dramatic and suffered inner world but given whit the cold eye of a particular judge, required to mesure the absurdity of life.

The artist unfold an expressionist painting, powerful and aggressive, whit quotes from Van Gogh to Munch and Bacon, adding a personal attraction for a dense pictorial material for the making and unmaking of forms, whit an articulate and expressive language; raw, never boring, whit contrasting color range and complex construction sometimes broken.

The adventure of existence through the art research, if is possible.

Mario Abati, Agosto 2005

His artistic production has always focuzed to analyze the close relationship between man and urban context and to " tell the present, because tell the present is or should be duty of every artist; so his works often involve human figure, or portraied as a protagonist or in seen in his natural interaction whit the urban territory; that explane also the use of geographic maps and building materials soch as iron, wood and concrete.

The placement of "I" represented become to be here in a strong contest as the urban landscape which Perego's case is the constitutive part of the furnishing of body, so resulting in a relationship almost vital whit the city.
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