

This project is named “MUD – buried forms and colours” .
Planned in 2010 it comes out of the author’s need of investigating the relationship Earth-Man in a territory ravaged by so many crimes against the environment. It is based on documentary evidence and photographic cataloguing of the landscape changes in Campania during the last three years and it shows a disaster whose effects are coming up only these days. It witnesses the hiding of any sort of poison and rubbish under the soil of an amazing territory.
“MUD” wants to testify the suffering both people and land are going through and the new contrasting feelings rising from their new relationship. These feelings have caused some people to abandon the territory, some to stay and fight for it.
Montefusco-s pieces of work get into the resistence viewpoint and want to be a source of spur to the conservation of nature. They represent the biocide of his region by elements pulled out from the shocking amount of buried infecting elements utilized to create original pieces of work. Thanks to a ceaseless research and everlasting experimentations these elements assembled, reshaped or simply left as they are make sculpture and paintings of strong impact which offer the spectator’s eyes the agony of the land and at the same time the wonderful beauty of its shape and colours.

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