Le Bruit de L'amour(Abreagieren)

Le Bruit de L'amour(Abreagieren)

* The Theme is 'Memories in my life-Hysteria'.

I want to speak with my own pictorial language about 'my reflections on my Hysteria'. I have always been very attached to objects from my childhood. For example, the jewellery of my grand-mother, my grand-father's clocks, my mother's clothes and her handbags, the vinyl records of my father, the dolls I used to sleep with etc... As time passed by, my interest became more and more an obsession. Perhaps because I had to change very often places in order to pursue my life path. To each person their own stories... By translating my hysteria into my paintings, I try to accomplish an alchemy where my obsessions become the most personal way to communicate with the world. My works are a kind of therapy to heal my Hysteria.

* Materials.

I mix a lot of materials that I collect in my daily life. All things are directly related to my memories.

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