

Installation, Death, Political / Social, Symbol / Letter, Various materials, 500x200x200cm
Origins - Insallazione
August 6, 2013
building Cutore Catania Aci Bonaccorsi

The installation deals with the issue of immigration unfortunately topical African refugees to the shores of Sicily.
My Opera and 'a way to reflect on this great human drama that takes place every year in the early periods of the summer until September and hundreds of deaths at sea.

The text written by me and placed in the Setup wants to point out the human drama of different peoples fleeing from the African continent and other countries of the Mediterranean basin, and very often their deaths during this long journey at sea, piled in boats trying to reach freedom ', in a desperate bid for survival.

Along the path of the installation are inserted mirrors that reflect the faces of the spectators next to the photo of a refugee,
and 'a metaphor for "non-diversity'," the mirror as a symbol of equality, and brotherhood.

The installation 'consists of natural elements: canvas jute, natural and durable fabric that rappresnta poverty' but especially the tenacity of these refugees who defy fate,
stones and dry branches recovered in the sea after storms represent the inertia and impotence in front of the tragedy unfolding in the sea,
the bark and 'the metaphor of choice, abandonment and escape, detachment from their homeland by men women and children.
The pods of a tree with the seeds inside are immigrants inside the barges (some scattered among the waves of the sea) Sicily and Africa are depicted with different stones that I have collected in some beaches of Sicily.

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Comments 1

Stefano Gambino
10 years ago
Stefano Gambino Designer, Installation artist, Painter

Come la corteccia di un albero mi distacco

abbandono la mia terra d’origine

e mi lascio trasportare dalle onde di un mare infinito

siamo tanti , colmi di speranza, sfidiamo la sorte

ai confini del sud del mondo sono stretto ai miei fratelli

su questo barcone ai margini mi sporgo

e in questo blu profondo e luccicante mi specchio

il mio volto riflesso non e’ diverso dal tuo.

Stefano Gambino

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