J'aime la femme

J'aime la femme

Description: The origins of femicide is also incorrect biblical culture that has lasted for thousands of years. . . . . the female temptress who drives people to sin, to grasp the apple of knowledge. An apple that even today some people can taste and ignorance brutal commit extreme acts in the name of a love affair, such as a lost paradise.
  The female is now the man puts on calendars as an object of desire and contemplation. . . . . the Betty Boop cartoon with her skimpy outfits, fishnet stockings and garter, erotically charged. We go beyond this thinking. . . . . put aside our strength and let us go as helpless fish between the waves woman with the look in his eyes. . . . . trying to snatch his whole inner being. . . . . a different world from ours, but of completion. . . . . and in the end everything can be different as the Betty Boop with one hand over the top of the "no à la violence". . . . . tender, motherly and understanding.
From my say, "J'aime la femme"
For the sake of the woman. . . . . for the women I have known. . . . . lay in a corner of the canvas. . . . . my red shoes.
Liberated and I send my message. Gaetano Valentino

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Comments 3

Cinzia Corvo (Nic)
7 years ago
bello, ottimamamente rappresentativo di una delle più vili piaghe di questa società che si dice evoluta!
Gaetano Valentino
10 years ago
Grazie Teresa
Teresa Palombini
10 years ago
Mi piace, è un bel lavoro!!

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