Dal latino vìdere, guardare contro, ostilmente, biecamente o genericamente guardare male, quindi "gettare il malocchio". L’opera sposta l’attenzione dalla figura maschile in primo piano, che occupa quasi tutta la superficie, alle due figure di profilo, sui laterali, che sembrano invidiare la beatitudine. Un male comune, sentimento doloroso figlio della frustrazione, l’invidia è considerata uno dei sette peccati capitali.
From the Latin videre, to watch against. The work shifts the focus from the male figure in the foreground, occupying almost the entire surface, to the two figures in profile, on the sides, which seem to envy bliss. A common but painful feeling son of frustration, envy is considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins
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From the Latin videre, to watch against. The work shifts the focus from the male figure in the foreground, occupying almost the entire surface, to the two figures in profile, on the sides, which seem to envy bliss. A common but painful feeling son of frustration, envy is considered one of the Seven Deadly Sins
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