I.D. - identity document

I.D. - identity document

Digital Photography, Family, 150x100x2cm
These prints entitled ID aim to represent a topic that, by means of the "anonymous face of the dummy", aims to address the ambiguity of daily existence. The human being faces an unsettling reality where his vital part seems to disintegrate and, therefore, to be reduced to a "dummy". Today man wanders in search of his lost identity. The work shows the dissolution of the “I” which more and more moves away from its truer, more vital and authentic parts, crushed by an ancient beauty that no longer belongs to him, in which it no longer finds a place, its physicality and where it is crushed by a contemporaneity, a sad and skeletal reality: monstrous shadows lengthen and foretell (the viewer) the inevitable end. The dummy as a paradigmatic examplification of the non-existence of our age or also as a container of a possible future hero not yet identified. So the objective is to create a kind of dream-like situation. The prints aim to disconcert the viewer and to make him think about the human condition. They do not, however, reveal mysteries or puzzles but rather seal the wandering existence of the modern human being.
Consequently, the family today, is subject to this identity crisis. A man and a woman, a mother and a father without role identity and gender.

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