The family, understood in its many forms, which stresses the love in his new relational expressions, while it seems to be the key to happiness and place of security, shelter, support for their lives, on the other often becomes the crossroads of all fragility: the bonds are shattered, marital disruptions are becoming more frequent, violence is on the agenda. Families are dispersed, are divided, reunite, and there are those who say that "the explosion of the families is the number one problem in today's society."In a globalized world where what prevails is the market and consequently the profit, where everything is extremely fast, where the image and appearance have become more significant than ever, we run against time often experiencing a profound solitude. We live an era of great technological change that while it represents an extraordinary advance, on the other hand tend to produce adverse effects are also not always controllable. It is no coincidence that in our time the relations have become more virtual than real inducing a strong sense of isolation. Billions of people every day communicate over long distances using the phone, and not only verbally, but also exchanging SMS, email, "tweeting" or simply updating the Facebook profile. The use of the mobile phone seems to foster in us a sense of interconnection with our "social world", shifting the focus or the concerns on people, places or events outside the context in which we find ourselves concretely. The phone gives the feeling of always being efficient, but it has a negative influence on personal relationships and even on family life. The presence of the cell tends to inhibit the development of an emotional closeness reducing empathy perceived by those who interact with us and very often distracting from what surrounds us in the here and now.
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