

The Venus and its idea on both man and woman has effected art since humans began. The role of the mother and wife in a family and relationship is part of life,and SoCal interation. Venus being the mother a lover, and for some the muse. Venus now is becoming " the other woman" in life today, she loses her mythological role and becomes the tempertrus, demanding the gaze of others.

Has been liked by 272

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Comments 7

giulia zandonà
9 years ago
Compliment!! It's fantastic!!
9 years ago
Valentinaki Artist
Love it! :)
Occhio di Ra
9 years ago
Occhio di Ra Artist
Paul Brotherton
10 years ago
Paul Brotherton Graphic artist, Painter
A fascinating concept and piece.....compliments on your work!
10 years ago
Maristella  Angeli
10 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
I like it!
Nanouk Reicht
10 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
I like it !

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