Italian Families: Presentation of the Child: Mariaconcetta Roberto Rolando

Italian Families: Presentation of the Child: Mariaconcetta Roberto Rolando

Since my son was born I discovered my interest in the representation of families in classical painting. In particular, I studied the presentation of the child as a product of holy couple. It is a recurring theme in depictions of the Holy Family. I wanted to translate this archetype with the modern canons of photographic representation, portraying fathers and mothers with their children on a white background. From the point of view of color, white background has two meanings: on the one hand shows the sacredness of the family and the other takes away all the information on the social life of the people. They are only the bodies and attitudes to say something about fathers and mothers, not a social context.
I intend to continue along this road, including in my project also couples of different ethnicities, mixed couples and gay families. So this is a work in progress, the germ of a broader project.

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