
Minimalist, monumental and interactive unfold of a music score in space.

2014 — Electroluminescent threads, electronic piano Disklavier Yamaha DC6XE3PRO.

Portée/ is the interactive unfold of a musical score in space and a collective multi-sensory experience.

16 independent electroluminescent wires are deployed in a monumental asymmetric weave of light. Visitors are invited to explore the spacial & interactive qualities of music, through a poetic setting. When they touch and trigger vibrations of the luminous threads, the notes associated to each thread are played on an electro-mecanic grand piano.
The melodies are triggered by the visitor but their intrinsic configuration remains out of his control.

Referencing the work of Iannis Xenakis, greek composer architect and engineer (1922-2001), the monumental lines evoke a continuous dialogue between mathematics, architecture and music.

The proportions of the piece gives way to the gathering of multiple point of views that generate different geometrical outcomes: dynamic, ascending and singular. Each of them offer different ranges of interaction, conditioning simultaneously the intimate experience and global state of the space.

The melodies created by french musician Chapelier Fou (Louis Warynski) evolve over time. They blur the frontier between manual and procedural music-score creation and force the visitor to question the origin of the music he’s hearing and his control over it.

Authors: Cyril Diagne, Béatrice Lartigue — Lab212 & Chapelier Fou — Ici d’ailleurs…
Co-produced with: Kikk Festival
With the support of: La cellule Arts Numériques de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Exclusive partner: Yamaha


* Modular and highly configurable nature of the installation: he maximum length for one EL wire is 10 m however we can have shorter sections to adapt to the venue. They can all have different lengths. The EL wire can be tensed and attached in different ways allowing a wide range of possibilities depending on the venue.*

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Comments 2

Daniël Stragier
9 years ago
Carlo D'Orta
9 years ago
Carlo D'Orta Artist
C'est merveilleuse Epure. Usuellement je ne vois pas les videos ma cette fois, je ne sais bien pourquoi, j'ai pousse' le bouton pour lancer le film et...je suis reste' vraiment fascine', commes si je vois les mains luminoses de Dieu faire la musique! Brava davvero! :-)))

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