Push the Button

Push the Button

Painting, Human figure, 160x110x3cm
Apparently the canvas shows a defined space, a yellow monochrome creates a sense of emptiness and endlessness.
A man looks at himself entering another dimension, beyond the pictorial space; what previously appeared as finite and limited in a canvas, now becomes infinite.
A small figure walks beyond the support to fall within the yellow, in a timeless loop.
The space does not end in a yellow rectangle, in a trivial painted canvas; the figure is forced in a vicious seamless circle.
The two columns in the center recall the symbol on the audio/video devices for the button "PAUSE", indicating that the cycle can be broken, or at least put on standby.
Just this possibility does not seem to be granted in the modern society where the "pause", spaces for reflection and for our intimacy are sacrificed on the altar of the goddess Hurry.
The dynamism of contemporary society, the replication of images, sounds, smells, everything happens continuously in a systematic way.

My work therefore wish to invite the viewer to push that button; only then the subject will be free to relax, humble icon of a society which we would be gladly entrust a fair pause for reflection.

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