

Painting, Memory, 100x160x4cm
I approached painting late, as an analogous but complementary tool to my work as set designer and graphic designer.
My canvases are the outcome of my professional experience, my knowledge, my aesthetic narrative and of my working by hand. There is something ingenious, constructive and evocative in working by hand, in merging the “manual” with the “creative”.

I am interested in developing an artistic and creative project combining graphic manipulations on the computer and composing an image which exploits the potentiality of painting and of its matter.

My works are two-dimensional: mere flat paintings not really interested in perspective, in the depth of field, in shadows and shades. My canvases recall serigraph images - a technique that suits my aesthetic parameters.

I primarily represent trains and trams: fragments of an unfinished storyboard, where both incipit and epilogue are lost; still frames of a movie; stories in a suspended time which is also a time for reflection, dreaming and nostalgia. The result is a silent world, capable of speaking quietly.

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Comments 1

Carlo D'Orta
9 years ago
Carlo D'Orta Artist
Spendido.. verrebbe da chiamarlo iperrealismo sintetico: apparentemente una contraddizione ma rende l'idea secondo me del tuo bel lavoro. Complimenti

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