mugshot of a past future
„SPRUCED UP“ from 2015
My work often combines photography and sculpture .
This new body of work has its source in photographs of groups of individuals in the early 2oth century. like in this case a group of schoolmates of grammar school in hinterbrühl the 1920thes.
It shows how society is using the media to shape an image which is worth to represent the memory of people. unconsciously showing its attitude towards diversity and individuality.
I focus on the time,the pose,the character and the projection, which leads me from a past to a present object.
The spruce is a common tree,here in the so called Viennese Woods.
I use it as symbol of time by mixing the structure of the growth rings to the portrait.As if they had constantly expanded the frozen time of the photographic moment.
Taking portrait-pictures is not only about freezing time, it is also about freezing somebody in a pose he or she has mostly not chosen on their own.
My intention is to connect with the characters melt the pose and the moment of the photo into a new object,a free standing bas- relief which nearly is flat as the picture,but slightly starting to embody itself behind the pose.
Up to the final stage the characters are changing all the time and interact with my interventions,that are sometimes made with fine brushes and sometimes with chainsaw.
„Mugshot of a past future“ is a bas -relief . It is more literally dealing with the same issues as above, defining itself trough frames and directions in time and space. A polaroid is unique object as the moment in front of the camera is unique. But this polaroid is more : information and censorship at the same time. like a mugshot is an instrument to control und to achieve the maximum of recognition but hiding as well. this work is questioning this ability of photography as a tool of reality and staging . Or put it the other way round , a photo is leaving a spacial gap by projection, a hideaway in space that I start to refill with my work , thats why the sculpture is almost as flat as a picture but is about to embody.
Martin Krammer
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