DICIASETTE 18 dalla serie " SCIROCCO " 115X115 del 18/08/2014 albumi & plistrato
"The quality of art is the illusion." He said Gustave Flaubert and Victor Vertone confirms the reliability of this "aesthetic principle" creating, in his most recent paintings, shapes and figures focused on "color choices" based on the use of white and colors - green, the 'blue and red - which form of "expressive preferences" and style, focusing on the aura "color palette" of the four Aristotelian elements: earth, air, fire and water. It is intense colors, energetic and vigorous, expressing moods and passions. And that is, very strong feelings and decided that "walk" across time and space through the creative use of canape, weeds, land, hill, stone, pigments and colored chalks. We are in the presence of materials which give body and substance to the symbolic value - primitive and ancestral - form.
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