To stay afloat - Altar II

To stay afloat - Altar II

Sculpture, Spirituality, Memory, 73x26x34cm
To Stay afloat - Altar II
This work is a reflection on the moment we get close to a forgotten memory. The mechanism that triggers after the absorption of this particular memory is similar to the movement that a scuba diver makes when he returns to the surface after diving: devoid of the equipment that allows him to breathe artificially, he finally catches his breath.
Also each one of us embarks on a journey from the inner world to the outside world: each one of us is looking for a personal knowledge that is only discovered after digging deep into our soul until we finally get on the surface. Again.
Memory allows us to emerge from our inner depth and stay afloat.

"To Stay afloat" is part of a series of works called Altars.
The altar is meant as a place of introspection in which we can see the truth that makes us singular and search for the knowledge that allows us to move forward.

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