


Few lines to express the intimate world that every human being builds in his mind; is a timeless dimension, an infinite space, full of dreams and hopes, a place to take refuge innermost secrets, where there is a place for everything.
The same universe we want to live the little man at the center of the composition.
In the work world that is marked by festive flight of swallows, the lush vegetation and the vitality that they give off; elements of a bright future, but craved many times denied.
There is something that we do not see often, but it exists! And 'that fine line that marks the border with the other world; what always belonged to us, with which we must come to terms, unforgiving.
And 'our past, of memories, damaged by time, but the work can still be seen, small shapes made by slim lines speak of family affection and childhood memories.
The little guy is there, leaning on the edge, reaching out his desires and expectations, although rooted in earthly life, protected by the memories of the past. Dreams; locks eyes with a Paradisea, the bird of paradise, messenger of the inevitable, only element truly defined the whole work, all other forms are stylized.
The subject sets the divine volatile at this very "now" all dreams are falling down, everything falls, remains only emptiness, the silence, the space is full of mystery.
The deliveryman’s desires, aware that what he wanted never will, his world, one imagined, never will exist.
The darkness is the master in the composition, only a small light illuminates the bust of the individual; confirmation to the latter that his fate is about to take.
A transcendental light short drag him into another dimension.
Sad ending to an ordinary life.

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