A last year in 114 minutes

director: Daniel Djamo
running time: 114 minutes

full preview of film provided with password, upon request

The documentary represents a journal of the last year of someone's life.
It tells the story of Buni and our final months together.

It is not a documentation of death, but a projection of what really matters. Buni helped my mother in raising me. Although we are not related, she was there for me. I started filming her when I felt that she was poor in health. It is obvious that a feeling cannot be transmitted in the sharpest, honestly human shape through the use of photography, film, or text. Nothing that is inside of us can be made VHS or DVD.

"A last year in 114 minutes" can only offer photocopied images of a story distorted by our own memories, becoming a reflection of ourselves in deformed mirror.

Filmed between October 2010 and October 2011.
Edited in autumn 2013.

digital cinema mastering done with support from Bundeskanzleramt Österreich and KulturKontakt Austria

"A last year in 114 minutes" won the Special Prize for Documentary film at the 2015 UCIN Awards, given by UCIN - the Romanian filmmakers Union

"A last year in 114 minutes" won the Grand Prize of Victoria Film Festival, in Victoria Romania, in 2014

"A last year in 114 minutes" was nomineed for the GOPO Award for Best Documentary Film in Bucharest, Romania, in 2014

Daniel Djamo was nomineed for Debut at the 2015 UCIN Awards - given by the Romanian filmmakers Union

It participated in the "Beyond the seas" competition of Jihlava Documentary Film Festival

Its premiere was in Transilvania International Film Festival, in Cluj, Romania. June 5th, 2014

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Comments 2

8 years ago
andryoana Artist
she remember me my Buni when she talks...good job!
8 years ago
Mira77 Artist
complimenti... veramente un video molto bello... infine cosa sono la vita e la morte se non due mani dello stesso corpo!!! la vecchiaia ..una donna solitaria...fragile e dignitosa...una vita abbandonata... e' questo quello che mi ha trasmesso... complimenti vivissimi

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