It's a game.
Gaia is a game of logic, an enigma. The mystery is how to pull the rope out.
The appearance of this item is indeed a dedication to music in addition to being a wall lamp, but that is the last aspect to be concerned with. What I would like to communicate by presenting this project is the excitement I feel discovering how mysterious and fascinating the mechanics of movement are in logical games. The mechanics I hereby present belong to history. In the past a game would be studied with much greater attention. Everybody knew that approaching a game was about having a common experience for men, women and children.
A game is that dimensional threshold which allows you to fulfill that veil of mystery and the unfathomability of oneself. Every day, each and every one of us is living a part of his or her life through a game.
Game is time. Game is a dimension. Game is the match of past, present and future.
Game is metaphorically our existence and becomes a symbol, sometimes fantastic and unreal and sometimes clear and readable of our deepest thoughts, questions and answers, fears, uncertainties, desires, ambitions, intuitions and faded out potentialities.
Game is innate in everybody's soul.
The purpose of this work is to elevate the game to one of its more appropriate dimensions.
The aim in searching for the proper materials for the construction has been based on the necessity to find a mixture that was completely recyclable and biodegradable. The inside frame is made of aluminum and is covered by a mixture of natural ingredients. It does not have to be cooked; and once polished, it is painted with a water glaze.
DIMENSION: 75 x 45 x 10
WEIGHT: 5 Kilos
The game is like music in our life full of light
Roberto Maierotti
Comments 2
Si in effetti è una lampada da parete, illumina e si può accendere o spegnere anche se l’interruttore non si vede. La struttura è ancorata alla parete in un solo punto nella parte superiore, mentre l’interruttore è appoggiato nella parte inferiore, quindi premendola, s’illumina.
Si, in effetti, è anche un gioco. Lo scopo è quello di riuscire ad estrarre la corda che sta al suo interno, è un gioco di logica dove l’osservare diventa necessità.
La questione è questa.
L’attenzione si è spostata nel riuscire a costruire un oggetto completamente naturale, che non inquinasse e completamente riciclabile…la ricerca del materiale a richiesto mesi di sperimentazione, dove i tentativi per ottenere il composto si sono ripetuti fino a trovare il giusto equilibrio. Questo composto non richiede alcun tipo di cottura, si consolida al contatto con l’aria in una tempistica di circa venti giorni. Mi consente di utilizzare le mani per trasformare la materia, plasmando e modellando a mio piacere l’oggetto, donandomi la possibilità di esprimere un pensiero, un’emozione.
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