Marilyn's Party

Marilyn's Party

Marilyn’s Party is a framed 24” X 18” photo composite poster. All images are public domain obtained from Google Commons. The collage includes the following persons (in alphabetical order by surname):

Daniel DiFondi (as a toddler)
Thomas Dilward (aka "Japanese Tommy" aka "The African 'Tom Thumb'")
Rodolfo Fierro (Major General in the army of Pancho Villa)
Lisa Fonssagrives (1st “Super-Model”)
Martha Gellhorn (3rd wife of Ernest Hemingway)
Mata Hari (WWI spy for Germany)
Abraham Lincoln (16th US President)
Marilyn Monroe (1950’s Movie Actress)
Ethel Rosenburg (post WWII spy for Soviet Union – guilt is questionable)
Jane Russell (1950’s Movie Actress)
Unknown man w/ feather head cap

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Comments 2

Daniel Di Fondi
9 years ago
What is taboo? How do we define that in today's social media atmosphere? In this "photo bomb" we relive the taboo of those who did not seek out societal norms. Marilyn's Party is concept of a Utopian afterlife . . . a place, an area, a dimension of freedom from taboo.
Daniel Di Fondi
9 years ago
This is an abstract statement of social and political interactions. It's meant to express historical taboos that permeate our society even today. Espionage, eroticism, freedom of speech. Who are we to judge what is right or wrong . . .

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