Sacrificium - Polittico di Marsia

Sacrificium - Polittico di Marsia

I realized Sacrificium – Polyptych of Marsya, inspired from Kafka’s novel Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist) for the homonymous exhibition that took place in Trento in 2012. This gave me the opportunity to reflect on the theme of sacrifice led in the name of Art.
Like Kafka’s character – who will literally starve to death for his Art – Marsya will also sacrifice himself blinded by the overwhelming impulse of artistic creation. Pushed over his own limits by this craving and carelessly not considering the likely lethal outcomes, he will arrive indeed to heat Apollo. The God of Art. The taboo is broken.
The shape of the work recalling the one of Crucifixion, aims to pinpoint the sanctity related to this sacrifice, beyond a strictly religious Christian meaning.

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