luxe queue jumper vilification safe at last mental torture prisoner of the mind ethnic cleansing sitting on the edge of obey phoenix rising queue jumper Digital Photography, Plants , Hate, Censorship, Portrait, 100x80x0.2cm human censorship human trafficking censorship of god emigrante racial exploitation assimilation hatred subhuman racial-intolerance here is a knitted work made from pure merino untreated wool. once you have it on, you cannot take it off. Added 9 years ago 5 I Like I don't like 1 Comment 304 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 5 Francesca Armand Artist - Firenze, Italy Officina del Riciclo Artist - Rimini, Italy Giorgio Vadalà Artist - Torino, Italy Alberto Marchesini Artist - Crevalcore, Italy giampiero sicurella Artist - Brescia, Italy Comments 0 Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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