wabi sabi

wabi sabi

"All the power of moral civilized , hand in hand with the system of capitalist economy and its political institutions , is fiercely opposed to the use of the body just like the end , means and instrument of pleasure .
In a company focused on the production , the use of the body without purpose , I call dance butō , is a deadly enemy that must be taboo "
Tatsumi Hijikata (1928-1986) .The body back to reality feeling, photography and the process of transformation with the photographer MaRC Tsien leads us to a sense of organic unity of life , in all its wondrous imperfection and mystery , like the leaves in autumn .The photos will have a small format , to create intimacy with people , a relationship that can touch inside , a micro world that gradually opens to outside .Art is an act of resistance .

Has been liked by 24

Comments 2

8 years ago
chiara Artist
Grazie millee Martina Datura,la metamofosi è vita,e la Vita Danza
8 years ago
Datura Artist
Corpo matamorfico danzante

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