Old Hands.
This is a project I did about the hands of a loved one who got ill with Alzheimer . I observed the changes in him and especially in his hands . I began to take photos and for two years I photographed the way his hands were trying to do things and how with every 2-3 months they could do less . Till after two years the hands , whom were so busy all his life , could not do nothing more than laying motionless . But in those hands one can sense and see the whole life of this Man . He loved , worked and grew a family . All this one can see in every spot and all creases of the skin .
Comments 4
This is a very important issue and it is something that can happen to all of us . Even if it is not Alzheimer , growing old is NOT easy and in the end we will all grow old !!
Michal Ashkenasi
Michal Ashkenasi
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