Analogue Photography, Fantasy / Visionary, Analogue, 40x40cm
This series of shots is inspired by Gaston Bachelard’s essay The Poetics of Reverie (1960). The French term “rêverie” and the English “reverie” are generally considered to mean “daydream” or “daydreaming”, but for the French philosopher “rêverie” is the phenomenon of wakefulness in which the Self eludes reality and wanders off free from any contingent influence. “What psychological freedom do we have other than the freedom to dream? Psychologically speaking, it is in reverie that we are free beings”, writes the author. The work was made in the dusty, disjointed rooms of a hotel being renovated just on the edge of the centre of Florence. I put my models (improbable like the inhabitants of the dreams) against backgrounds of crumbling walls and peeling wallpaper, trying to level the line of demarcation between the real world and the imaginary one. My releases are an eye that opens from that border, and from that border a world opens wide itself on OTHER, in witch the sublime is at same time bizzaria and truth primigenia, platonic IDEA, where the detail is never revelated, and the immobility is the origin of every possible movement.
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