L'angoscia e la speranza dei sopravvissuti (ciclo del Naufragio, opera 2) - The anguish and the hope of the Survivings Painting, Political / Social, Peace, Freedom, Human figure, Oil, 60x80x3cm life vita fuga morte hope escape naufragio speranza death migranti migrants welcome solidarity accoglienza shipwreck solidarieta' Oil on canvas (frame) Added 9 years ago 11 I Like I don't like 3 Comments 270 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 11 de Valois Artist - Aix-en-Provence, France arteborgo gallery Gallery - Roma, Italy renato mericco Artist - Milano, Italy Hannan Abu- Hussein hannan Artist - Jerusalem, Israel Eurico Haan Artist, Art lover, Painter - Santiago, Chile Leo Pinter Artist - Budapest, Hungary Emanuele Joshua Sottile Artist - Torino, Italy artist @ nigal goodship Artist, Photographer - Stourbridge, United Kingdom Tanya Bartolini Premium Artist - Milano, Italy EMMANUELA Artist - Biella, Italy AMIR TASAMI Artist - Torino, Italy Comments 3 8 years ago Alessandro Colonnetta Artist Grazie per le belle parole di apprezzamento. 9 years ago Emanuele Joshua Sottile Artist complimenti. perfetto equilibrio tra tecnica, scelta cromatica..visione prospettica. ottimo. bravo 9 years ago Teresa Palombini Artist Bel lavoro! La tua tecnica nulla toglie al dramma rappresentato, ma dona all'opera una stridente dolcezza. Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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La tua tecnica nulla toglie al dramma rappresentato, ma dona all'opera una stridente dolcezza.
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