Mappe (Keine Hälfte der Welt kann ohne die andere Hälfte der Welt überleben)
MAPS (no half of the world can survive without the other half)
The skin as a very fine line between the if and the other;
does not proceed foil membrane that selectively allows the survival of the organism content, filtering out what they should or could (or not) get.
The maps, such as epidermal textura visual, and the walls are presented as a metaphor of the skin by selective filtering, taking into consideration for this project today's post-colonial racist policies.
In the fuzzy maps just numbers can be defined; not circumscribe a space in our own experience. And 'only with a technological prosthesis that we can find out what and where are some of these skins-walls-filters.
It 'a selection of maps, not visions, which represent various types of walls:
Electrified walls of Gated Communities in which wealthy classes are entrenched by social insecurity dangers; walls of favelas erected by a vision that stigmatizes and criminalizes poverty; walls in sensitive areas of the world that seek to prevent the passage of transient populations in search of a decent life; walls that prevent the free movement of neighboring populations.
The first photo in the series shows an old pre-fall of the Berlin Wall map (taken from the German embassy) which leads a written in large letters: No half of the world can survive without the other half.
And 'the so-called third world, in continuous power relationships, which too often has received and receives the violent and continuous economic and military political attacks perpetrated by the "first" world. Attacks on several attempts and democratic construction projects, or in countries whose sovereignty and populations with their future generations are repeatedly torn. In general, it is the third world that serves as a reservoir from which to pump (contaminating) the raw materials that sustain normal Western wealth to which we are accustomed. The Prime Standard would not be possible without the systematic abuse on Third.
The blunt and dangerous walls in my opinion, however, remains the opacification of the perception we have of reality, of the other. Perception shaped by distorted and repeated the real political and chronicles, fragmented by the media mirrors in millions of reflections that make difficult the production of an ethical narration of reality.
Although we have technology research and vision super complex and penetrative (satellites, google earth, cams security, border scans, phone gps etc), the critical access by the population, to information or images from this story of the real , it remains quite elusive and elitist. In the fantastic photographic mapping in super HD, it is Google Earth that decides what to show and what not.
The skin, the walls, the maps are always a fictitious construction; a political issue.
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