
"Nature. Thinkest thou them that the world was made for thee? It is time thow knewest that in my designs, operation and decrees, I never gave a thought to the happiness or unhappiness of man. If I cause you to suffer, I am unaware of the fact; nor do I perceive that I can in any way give you pleasure. What I do is in no sense done for your enjoyment or benefit, as you seem to think. Finally, if I change exterminated your species, I should not know it."1

Naturae is a project that includes different works (videos and installations) following the steps of human existence. Nature is not benign mother or cruel stepmother, but indifferent to human destinity.

"(...) The life of the world is a perpetual cycle of production and destruction, so combinated that the one works for the good oh the other. By their joint operation the universe is preserved. If either ceased, the world would dissolve. (...)"1

Man, downgraded from a privileged position, becames the medium and instrument "of nature" for the success of life in the universe.

1Dialogo della natura e di un islandese, Operette morali, Leopardi

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Comments 1

Ongarato Pierluigi
8 years ago
Ciao Lidia, complimenti per il tuo lavoro.

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