ragazza con giacca a vento

ragazza con giacca a vento

Painting, Portrait, 35x45x3cm

Has been liked by 56

Comments 3

Paul Brotherton
8 years ago
Paul Brotherton Graphic artist, Painter
My compliments on this painting.....
wonderful technique and an engaging composition!
Maria Teresa Accomando
8 years ago
Un Penny per i suoi pensieri..custoditi gelosamente nella sua giacca a vento. Bellissima Paola buona arte a te
luc de vos
8 years ago
luc de vos Artist
good morning Paola,

your works are 'alive' the have a soul, that is for me the only condition of great art...
all the rest is academical non-sense.

continu, great !

luc de vos

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