This is the sentence that is coupled to the game. A phrase that shows the game as a dangerous thing, derogatory action to be afraid. But this type of game is gambling where the player does not get in the game by evaluating their skills, but relies solely on fate, destiny.
The other game, the real one, not only lays bare their skills, but educates and is useful.
The complicated thing is to explain to a contemporary art critic, what value does the game. If the critic is put in the artist's clothes, everything would be easier. An artist is accustomed to get involved, it does constantly, every time he tries to express a concept, it does so by playing. He understands the value, the beauty, the risk that this activity implies.
COMETA- game in which we should remove the center ring. in lime finish, four colors applied by hand and waxed. The work is dedicated to "creation."
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