Temple of Bel

Through an engagement with 3D computer generated reconstruction data and a process of drawing to create a stop motion animation, 'Temple of Bel' engages with this artefact at the end of its timeline.

The archaeological site of Palmyra came to my attention through news reports coming out of Syria regarding the destruction of key temples by IS. I wasn't previously aware of the historical significance of Palmyra and I initially wanted to explore its importance as a meeting point for civilisations that can be seen echoed in the mix of styles in its architecture. During my research I discovered an international group #NEWPALMYRA who were digitally recreating parts of the site for anyone to recreate. I have used their 3D model of the Temple of Bel, which is located in the south east section of the site. Applying my own technical abilities I set about recreating its construction and deconstruction using dynamic simulation software within my own 3D program.

The hyper-reality of the computer simulation related to my own feelings of distance between my location and Palmyra but I also wanted to experiment further to see if I could form a more haptic relationship between myself and the initial animation I had created. I've used the printing process of back drawing the individual frames of the 3D simulation in order to create an animation that reverberates and adds texture to the lines. I'm interested in the way that the drawn line becomes energised as it searches to connect with the origin of its hyper-real source.

The animation is intended to be viewed as a projection on a continuous loop.

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Comments 1

8 years ago
Cat Photographer
Super !!!

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