Be - longing II / There is a crack in everything...

Be - longing II / There is a crack in everything...

In this series of works, the protagonists are used and worn down rugs, woven by nomadic tribes from various regions around the globe, reflecting the internal-psychological and external-territorial perception of our roots.
Global migration, displacement and the search for a new home are an increasingly common phenomena of our times, thus requiring a need for the development of a broader concept of ‘Heimat’ *; one that expands beyond territorial identification and embraces cultural and individual nuances, creating new ways to BE in this present world.
There is a longing, a yearning that will pave new ways to belong.

* ‘Heimat’ is a German word, that describes a strong inner belonging to someone, something or somewhere; comparable with the English word ‘home’, but more complex since it includes also the concept of fatherland.

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