Similar Opposites

Similar Opposites

Painting, Political / Social, Philosophy, Ideas, Emotion, Mixed technique, 75x79cm
This work is a commentary on human thinking and behaviour. It expresses my observation that although many people appear to be politically and ideologically opposed, they mirror one another's behaviours and attributes. On each side there are fixed ideas, rigid thinking and strongly held views. The large red faces represent leaders who are the mouthpiece for these opposing viewpoints. They do much talking, debating, arguing, scoring points, and defending their positions. But there is no listening, no open mindedness or willingness to explore alternative viewpoints. On each side there are groups of adherents all stuck together, locked into the same mindset, happy to be fed on propaganda that only strengthens their views about "the other". I question why humans have this tendency to relinquish their capacity for individual thought and surrender their humanity when they become locked inside an ideological grouping. How can they demonise people for being part of a different group and lose sight of them as fellow human beings?

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