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Installation, Fantasy / Visionary, Various materials, 200x400x15cm
The corporate identity represents the most deep and spiritual form of the brand. In it, you can identify the ”core” of the company: the core is generated from the values of its founders and it gives rise to the vision of the corporate mission. The italian artist IABO develops this concept to the extreme in his last interesting project “Core Identity“. Each ironic diptych, composed of two plexiglass lightbox, goes with a specific installation designed with a special attention to technology
It is clearly an ironic critique of consumerism of our society: IABO's world is a strange land in which you can buy and build youself a coffin for just 99 euros or you can feed yourself for an entire week with seven beef flavoured Mcpills swallowing them with a shot of Collective Hypnosis. In this distopian scenery you can replace your old vital organs by order them on Ebay and the Colonel "Hitler" Sanders is responsable for a cruel extermination of chickens.
This are topics more or less known that are shareable totally or only in part, but it is clear the high visual impact both for the realization of the plexiglass diptychs and for the design of the specific installations related to them.

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Comments 57

Paola Fiore
8 years ago
Paola Fiore Artist
Idea molto simpatica! complimenti!
fabrizio giuranna
8 years ago
simona bernardini
8 years ago
Terrificante ma geniale!
elena castiglia
8 years ago
originale sicuramente , ma non so se tira come articolo!
Patrizia "Pralina" Diamante
8 years ago
Patrizia "Pralina" Diamante Artist, Painter
8 years ago
ALO Artist
mi piacee
Barbara Ghisi
8 years ago
Geniale! Bravo!!
8 years ago
Lu Dap
8 years ago
Lu Dap Photographer, Painter
Gabriella Frustaci
8 years ago
:-) :-) :-)

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