선, 선, 선 線 善 禪 ((Line, virtue, Zen sect of Buddhism)

선, 선, 선 線 善 禪 ((Line, virtue, Zen sect of Buddhism)

People are educated in a way of being kind, gentle. It is such a good thing when everyone has same mind. When water is a pH-neutral, small single slice of lemon can change the pH. When all people are kind and there's one who has bad mind, s/he will effect on everyone. Or may s/he can use people for her/his benefit. But, at some point of view, if other people are kind enough to influence that person, the world will be a gorgeously graceful place. Yet, in my experience, it isn't. Being kind doesn't help me but hurt me sometimes. But I'm keeping walking on that way, just like what Buddhism wants people to do. I have no religion though I agree about it. 선禪Seon(in Buddhism) is 'to gather all thoughts in one spot of the heart and think.' Think about the reason why we shouldn't betray, shouldn't kill, shouldn't harm and shouldn't fight. We need to know most of things are temporary things. When the situation happens, we tend to put too much focus on it so that makes use lose other side of view. We need some times to think. Just think, not doing other work.

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