Endless Revolution

Endless Revolution

Painting, Symbol / Letter, Political / Social, Philosophy, Ideas, Mixed technique, 132x254cm
This work is a continuation of my exploration of the concept of transformation. The composition is an assemblage of seemingly disconnected elements. My idea is to express the complexity of life using pieces that represent the various fragments of life experience; they create the story of one human life which can only be subjectively understood. They weave together a meaning that make sense and helps explain how the human child transforms into the adult, shaped by life experiences. The assemblage is also a metaphor for the scattered archaeological remains of human life on earth. The seemingly broken and disparate elements make sense from a particular vantage point in time, looking backwards over the pieces to see how they came together to bring about transformations in the evolution of human society and culture. The colours represent the different politics, nations and races of people. The turquoise ocean symbolises the endless waves of change, sometimes calm and other times violent and stormy, never ending, always bringing a new cycle of cultural development and transformation.

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Comments 1

ernilo germino
8 years ago
Interesting and love the colors....

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