Objets Perdus (Titolo in italiano: Oggetti Perduti)

Objets Perdus (Titolo in italiano: Oggetti Perduti)

The project OBJETS PERDUS (Lost Objects) was realized in early 2016 in the Nord-pas-de Calais Region of France and was produced by the Pas de Calais Ligue de l’enseignement.
Multimedia and relational artist Rossella Piccinno worked in partnership with the sculptor & ceramic artist Zimon proposing workshops in a number of centres for asylum seekers for the narration of personal histories coupled with the making of ceramic objects.
The starting point was this question: “Is there a physical or symbolic object you have lost and particularly lament losing?”
Participants were asked to model the lost object in clay with the artistic pretext of coming to terms with the loss and objectifying their grief. The stories about the objects were told and recorded. The objects were then fired, given finishing touches and presented to the participants. Those who wished to do so could pose for a photo portrait with their own ceramic object. The wish of each participant as to how they wanted to be represented was respected, so that sometimes they were photographed from behind or from the side in order not to show their face, sometimes for motives linked to their status as a refugee or otherwise for personal choice.
The portraits (presently 10, but the project is continuing) were printed on 315g Hahnemühle Fine Art Baryta paper, in 65x50cm format, and mounted on 3mm thick dibond. Each photo is accompanied by headphones and an mp3 with which to listen to the story related to the object as told by the person in the picture.
An exhibition of the project is already programmed for March 2017 at the art centre Lab-Labanque in Bethune (France). An official presentation was made at the national congress for the 150th anniversary of the Ligue de l’enseignment in Strasbourg from 22-26 June 2016. On this occasion 10 photos were shown with the related interviews and a sculpture representing a rubber boat full of objects accompanied by a soundscape mixing the voices of all the participants. The soundscape was created by Sinerequie, the composer duo with whom Rossella Piccinno collaborates regularly. The creation of a video to accompany the soundscape is planned for autumn 2016. Also in programme is the publication of a photobook and a dvd.

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