

In this work the rubber glove, already an archetype of the Pop Art's season, goes back to his primary function as an everyday object traditionally associated with the woman's domestic world, but instead of representing its most discriminatory and reactionary aspect, the rubber glove transforms that world in a post-feminist celebration of gender's diversity and its peculiarity, specifically a celebration of those qualities attributed to women like resolution, self-denial, resilience and, above all, the awareness of their own capability of love: gLOVE, precisely.
The bell jar containing the rubber glove does not intend to define a sacred space, rather it defines a context meant to enhance the object's metaphorical value, therefore the value of the role that it embodies.

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Comments 6

Annalisa Parisii
8 years ago
Grazie Gianfranco!!!
Gianfranco ferlazzo
8 years ago
Congratulazioni Annalisa , assolutamente meritata la finale....
Annalisa Parisii
8 years ago
Grazie Helmut!!!
Dirnaichner Helmut
8 years ago
Ein tiefgründiges Werk
Un'opera profonda
Helmut Dirnaichner
Annalisa Parisii
8 years ago
Thank you shanti
shanti panchal
8 years ago
Congratulations Annalisa, well done and all best wishes.

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