Signs #3

Signs #3

Point and line, from geometric entities intangible, from conceptual
abstraction, materialize, become concrete form on the surface.
The point has an extension and it is the most concise form. It can
be a square, a triangle, a circle, a star or something more complex.
It can be isolated or resonate with other points or lines.
The line is the track of the point moved by a force that comes out
of it, it is the trajectory of a creative act, natural or artificial,
energy which becomes matter. It comes from the destruction of
the point, of its stillness, of its silence. (Wassily Kandinsky)

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Comments 1

Tanya Bartolini
8 years ago
Buonasera e Bentornato al nostro Mondo Celeste caro Rosario ...come sempre la tua arte è qualcosa di veramente unico ...è spettacolare.. un caro saluto .....Tanya

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