HERO DE JANEIRO Is that man going to save the woman from brothel (maison close)? ABSENCE IS MISERY yes indeed ET L'AMOUR ? Et l'amour ? oui ? then what ? TAISEZ-VOUS I'm cold... shut up! ZERO LIKE Like button so crucial BETTER LIVE FREE OR LAUGH Vivre libre ou møurir(e)... PARTIR AU QUART DE TOUR Let's go! GOVERNMENT PROPERTY this sentence appeared so powerful it inspired me this collage PINK ELEPHANT Yes week-end is so funny as the answer to I've given up! DON'T MAKE ME THINK Digital Photography, Symbol / Letter, Digital, 40x40x1cm #art #collage #streetart #contemporaryart #digital #montreal Added 8 years ago 2 I Like I don't like 0 Comments 161 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + Has been liked by 1 Tanya Bartolini Premium Artist - Milano, Italy Comments 0 Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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