Isrealjaffa_gefängnis The Fountain in 1000 pieces Israeljaffa Gefängnis2 The blues installed in the grid Jaffa 3aa In art there are only experiments - how does it look in the field Jaffa 3a1 What color is peace. Infinity search Israljaffa Gefängnis eskalation When the fountain of life announces the escalation? Israeljaffa gefängnis Victory d When the conflict escalates - everyone goes home - the victorious fingers lift up without paying the sacrifices. So the morning cries to-day Israeljaffa Gefängnis3 Between hate and survival - the fontain is the symbol Isrealjaffa_gefängnis5 Between Hate and Peace One hears no screams but the call please Isrealjaffa_gefängnis4 How does it continue - who hears who does not have enough conflict The Prison , Ideas, Peace, Peace, Political / Social middle east was stop the hate the discord of peace in palestine and israel christen in palestine# jaffa old city #fountain old jaffa tel aviv, jeremiah christopher# westbank# jerusalem # conferenc # paris conferenz - Christen in palestine# Jaffa Old City #Fountain Old Jaffa Tel Aviv, Jeremiah Christopher# Westbank# Jerusalem # Conferenc # Paris Conferenz - Added 8 years ago 0 I Like I don't like 0 Comments 153 Visits Share Facebook Twitter Google + There are no likes Comments 0 Say something You must login or Sign Up to write a comment Join
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